How to Speed up a Laptop Computer: 2 tricks
Hi, In this article you will get the best simple tricks for you to use in order to speed up your laptop computer. This trick applies even to other forms of computers. Read till the end and remember to leave a comment at the end. Welcome.
It’s an act of switching off your computer so that not any running program is left behind. This may also involve the act of disconnecting it from its power source.
It is almost the same as switch off, but under this, we apply the restart command to the computer and it will automatically shutdown and in a few seconds it will boot again.
Benefits of restarting a Laptop Computer.
Windows shutdown doesn’t actually shut down your computer, but a restart, does that makes no sense? But it could explain why your computer is still running slow and some of those issues are still not getting fixed. Well, in order for Windows to work with its graphics card. Sound motherboard, keyboard, Wi-Fi, mouse, etc.
Windows relies on a kernel.
This kernel thing enables your hardware and your software to work together. You type a letter on your keyboard and somehow it appears on your screen. You click play on this video and your speakers play.
The kernel handles that.

It has complete control, and therefore it’s always running in memory. So when you click on Shut Down your windows, closes all your apps, logs you out of your computer, and it seems like someone actually switched your computer off.
However, what it actually does is keeps the kernel in a state of sleep hibernation so that when you press that power button on windows doesn’t have to reload the kernel, it has all the info that it needs and Windows appears for you to log in.
This is called Fast Startup
and Microsoft actually introduced this feature back in Windows eight days. So why should you care about this now? Since it doesn’t work on every computer and every laptop, you may not be aware of it.
1. Refreshes the Kernel and makes it clean.
Computer hardware didn’t really apply to you. But it may apply to you now. By not properly killing the kernel, it means that if you have any issues such as your sound, stop playing suddenly or your Wi-Fi suddenly doesn’t connect. When you click on that shutdown, those issues remain inside the kernel. You should also care because when you update some apps, they require a full shutdown to take effect.
Those apps therefore don’t actually get updated because your system hasn’t really shut down. Some people also report issues if you’re encrypting your hard drive or you’re trying to dual boot system that can actually cause corruption when it’s in the state. Therefore, those people always tell you, have you tried switching it off and on again? Because a restart actually does it a restart actually kills the kernel, shuts everything down and you start up with a nice clean boot.
Procedures of setting a safe shutdown on a laptop computer.
But what happens if you don’t want to restart your computer but you still want to go back to the good old days when shutdown was actually a shutdown? Let me show you what you need to do.
Click on the Windows Icon.
Click on power and hold the shift button as you click on the shutdown.
This will bypass the fast startup on a laptop computer.
Now, if you don’t want to keep remembering to hold that shift button down, then you can actually disable Fast Startup with a few simple clicks in your windows.
Head down to the search bar and tap the control panel. There’ll be an icon that looks like this. We want the section that says hardware and sound opened that up under the power option is an option there called change what the power buttons do. Select that now you’ll see turn on first startup is ticked. What we want to do is click on the option that says change settings that are currently unavailable. Now simply take this box, click on save changes. And now when you shut down your computer, it will do it the right way.
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Now note here if you don’t see fast startup option, it probably means your PC doesn’t support Fast Startup, and it’s shutting down correctly. So no change is necessary for you know, you can clearly see there’s a mode here called sleep and it’s checked by default. And there is another module called hibernation, which is unchecked. What are these? Let me show you.
Difference between hibernate and sleep
So once again, head to the start button, click on power, and now you’ll see it’s added the load option called hibernate. So what’s the difference between hibernate and sleep? Well, let’s first put a calculator on my desktop. Let’s put a notepad on my desktop.
These are my working apps before I’m shutting down. Now I click on start, click on the power and I’m going to choose sleep or I’ll switch you over to an external camera. There is the sleep. I’m going to click on it. My screen goes black as it normally does. Let’s just make sure it’s normal signal. Yep. No more signal coming from my computer to my screen.
Let’s go check out the actual box itself.
And you can clearly see my red still flashing. The still power that my computer has fed hit that power button and then once I log in, you’ll be able to see that. There it is. My apps are exactly where I left them. Now let’s do the same with Hibernate.
What’s the difference?
So click on Hibernate. Screen goes black as it had before. I’m going to check my box, but look my fan stop sweating. My ram isn’t even on now pretty LED lights. Now I press the one button and the difference is that now it just does a longer boot cycle because it’s going through the whole process. But whatever I left open is remains open on my screen.
2. It reduces and clear all memories that were saved.
Now, when your system goes into this fast startup hibernation mode, it creates a hidden file on your hard drive to hold all that information. This file size is about 70 to 80% of your total computer’s memory. This is massive. So if you have a 16 gigs of RAM, your file size could be as much as 12 gigs. That’s a lot. Fortunately, there’s a simple way to reduce that file size in half by simply doing.
This in windows on your search type CMD right click on command prompt and choose a. Run as administrator. Now, on this prompt, you simply copy the command I have on the screen, but it’s power cfg space forward, slash h space forward slash type, space reduced and press enter and it will reduce the hibernate file size.
Now if you want to go back to the original file size, simply type the following or just press the arrow key type power cfg forwards less h forward slash type instead of reduce, we’re going to type the full and now you’re back to its default settings.